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Things to know about us

●    HomeSpun Bluegrass is a South Carolina 501(c)(3) non profit organization started in 2008
●    HomeSpun’s mission is to promote live bluegrass music and the use of traditional bluegrass instruments
●    HomeSpun was featured in SC Living magazine Sept 2014 issue as being the most traditional bluegrass jams in SC
●    The very best bluegrass jam for bluegrass musicians and spectators in the SC upstate
●    Located in downtown Chesnee, very near the intersection of Hwy #221 and Hwy #11
●    Parking available on the city street
●    The HomeSpun building is decorated with relics from the past, mostly bluegrass and old farming equipment.  Heated and AC
●    HomeSpun Bluegrass is a family-oriented venue, very senior citizen friendly
●    Acoustic instruments only, no amps please.
●    Organized Jams sessions are held every Friday night, open to the public
●    Jams start at 7:00 PM.   
●    7:00-9:00 time frame is dedicated to bluegrass gospel
●    9:00-until is anything bluegrass, Jams usually go on until about midnight
●    Acoustic instruments only, no amps please. 
●    Any age, any skill level is welcome
●    Spectators and non-musical visitors are welcome and attend regularly
●    Want to learn more? Come sit in the second circle and play along and watch other musicians
●    Want to sing?  Come sit in the first circle, mics are passed around for you
●    Want to play lead?  Come sit in the first circle, mics are passed around for you
●    Want to have fun?  Come join us every Friday night at 7:00 PM
●    Coffee and soft drinks are available, visitors often bring deserts for everyone to enjoy

Things to know: Welcome

126 W Cherokee St, Chesnee, SC 29323

©2019 by HomeSpun Bluegrass. Proudly created and managed by

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